Mike Jones
Managing Director, Investment Group
Phone: 318-251-5844
Email: mjones@argentadvisors.com
As Managing Director/Investment Services of Argent Advisors, Inc., Mike is responsible for the oversight of the Momentum Select® dynamic asset allocation models of Argent Advisors. These models harness the collective powers of dynamic portfolio modeling in an attempt to provide less volatile investment returns.
Mike received a bachelor’s degree from Louisiana Tech University and a master of Divinity from the New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary. He has worked for Edward Jones, Paine Webber, and Prudential Securities, becoming one of the first Registered Representatives in America to earn the distinction of Investment Portfolio Manager.
Mike resides in Ruston, LA with his wife, Gina. They have two children, Ben and Emma. He has been in Ruston since joining Argent in the fall of 1990. During those years he has served the Argent Financial group as an investment broker, compliance officer, financial operations officer, general principal, and portfolio manager.