You Have Enough Time
Life is busy isn't it? Work, family, community commitments, a little social life…
But imagine for a moment the nightmare of every parent: in the middle of the night your young child stumbles bleary-eyed into your room, struggling to breath. Is it a cold? Allergies? Asthma? Something else? Quickly you pull on some clothes and rush him to the emergency room. Maybe you're there for an hour. Maybe all night.
Does it really matter? Of course not. You did what any loving parent would do -- you took care of your priority -- your child.
Now suppose the doctor gives you medicine that she says will keep your child out of the hospital again. But he’ll have to take it four times a day for a year, including a dose administered in the middle of the night. What would you do?
That's not even a question is it? You would give your child the medicine when prescribed…even in the middle of the night.
What happened to all that busy schedule?
Well, I'll tell you what happened--it got preempted…by a higher priority.
Hey, I know you're busy. But “more time” is really not the answer to the issues of a busy person. There's no more time. Every one of us has the same 24-hours in every day.
So, simply telling yourself the lie that you're busy and that you “don't have enough time” is wasting that most precious of your resources--your time.
In the emergency room example that I just mentioned, the reason for all the rush is that you genuinely believe that time is of the essence. You wouldn't drag yourself out of the house at midnight, if your child's routine dental hygiene appointment had to be scheduled for 3am. Because there's time. It can be done later.
What about your financial planning -- is that urgent? Is it important? Can it be put off for later?
Well, for some of us, it takes a while for our emotional teakettle to heat up. It warms up enough to induce some concern and maybe a bit of complaining, but it hasn't reached the boiling point yet, forcing us to take action.
It was author Stephen Covey that introduced us to the difference between things that are urgent and important and things that are not urgent, but they're still important.
Urgent and important matters are emergencies. Non-urgent but still important things should be priorities, but they haven't reached the stage where they absolutely demand action.
If you know someone who is constantly frazzled and complaining (even if it's the person that you're looking at in the mirror every morning), you can bet that they’ve either never learned the secret of prioritizing the non-urgent but still important things in their lives.
Successful, mature individuals have learned that not every crisis is a crisis. Indeed, how many of the critical gotta do it now things in your life would actually fade away in the face of a real emergency (like your child needing, go to the emergency room)?
Successful, mature individuals make space in their busy lives to take care of the not-yet-urgent but important things in their life -- like financial planning.
Did you hear me? I said, MAKE space.
You really don't have enough time to put off your financial planning any longer. Unless you want to invite crisis into your life, sometime, somewhere.
So, first, make a decision that you will do this -- you will make time.
Second get someone to help you. You're going to need outside accountability and someone to walk you through a process.
Are you busy? I'm sure you are.
And that's exactly why you've got to get started on the planning that you may have been putting off until now, and you got to get started right now. What to do next? Make time.
Offering you Wisdom on Wealth, I’m Byron Moore.
Is it time for us to meet? I can't tell you how many people I meet for the first time who after about 15 minutes together say something like, “I should have done this years ago.”
When human beings lack confidence or when we’re scared, or maybe just a little bit embarrassed, the most natural reaction in the world is procrastination. Just put it off until tomorrow. If that's you, I just want to say your situation hasn't gotten better because you've put off dealing with it, and it probably won't get any better if you keep putting off, dealing with it. So, let me offer a couple of options to you.
With every potential new client that we come into contact with, we have something called a preview meeting. A preview meeting is all about communication, listening and getting to know one another. It's a chance for both of us to kick the tires and see if the services that we offer are fit for you.
These days we're focusing a lot on helping people get out of debt. So, if you're a person struggling with debt I'd love to describe to you the process we use to help individuals and families get out of debt and experience debt freedom.
Another area of focus for us is helping people get ready for retirement. Just the other day an article crossed my desktop, talking about how many Americans are falling behind in the race to build retirement savings. And if that’s you, I sure do wish that you'd call.
If you're not quite ready for a meeting then just send me an email at, feel free to ask me anything about your situation. That email address again is And again, feel free to ask me anything about your situation. Just remember, stuff doesn't get better by itself. I might be able to help, but not until you call, or write. So, I hope to hear from you soon.
Argent Advisors, Inc. is an SEC registered investment adviser. A copy of our current written disclosure statement discussing our advisory services and fees is available upon request. Please See Important Disclosure Information here.