Wisdom on Wealth Columns

Before You Invest in that Sweet Deal …

Should you be part of a large investment group and guarantee a large loan for a business deal? It depends on a number of factors: Remember, when farmer Brown comes into the barnyard with a hatchet in his hand, not all the chickens are at risk…just the fat ones. Consider the case of Mark Brunell. […]

Three Secrets for Finding the Career You Want

Remember Tee-ball? It was mostly about having fun. You could hit the ball three whole feet, run the wrong direction, and still get plenty of high fives—and a shiny trophy at the end of the season. Compare that to professional baseball. In the big leagues, nobody cares that your dad is one of the coaches, […]

How to Ensure Your Family Business Survives

Most businesses in the U.S.—in the world, for that matter—are family businesses.  Small, family-owned businesses are the engine of growth and job creation in this country. Therefore, it’s in everyone’s best interest to see them thrive. Unfortunately, about 70% not only don’t thrive—they don’t survive past the first generation! Fully 95% fail to make it […]

The Truth About Disability Insurance

On a regular basis, people come to me and say some version of: “Do I really need disability insurance? I mean, I have a desk job, and as long as I have my mind, I can always do my work, right? Besides, wouldn’t my employer’s workers’ compensation insurance take care of my basic needs if […]

The Pros and Cons of Income Annuities

It sounds too good to be true: You give an insurance company a sum of money, and they promise to give you a check for as long as you live.  This is what’s called a “single premium immediate annuity” (SPIA). It’s essentially a form of insurance.  To the recipient, it works like an employer pension […]

Long-Term Care Insurance: Waste or Wise Move?

Tim Berry wishes he had discussed long-term care insurance with his parents. When Tim’s dad had open heart surgery, the family was told there was only a 3% chance of anything going wrong. But in the days following the procedure, Mr. Berry suffered a stroke. “His mind was wiped out,” Tim told the Asset Protection […]

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The 3 Financial Questions You Should Be Asking for 2021

There are countless financial questions you need to wrestle with. None, however, are more important than the three contained in this guide.



The Key to Discovering, Designing, and Deploying Your Real Life Financial Plan

This free 18-page digital guide will give you step-by-step instructions on how to develop a life-long personal financial plan to give you the freedom to achieve your goals.


Debt Freedom

You Can Be Debt Free!

What if we could show you how to get out of debt in nine years or less, including your mortgage?


Investing Basics

How to Build an Investment Strategy

Like every good plan, there is a process involved in developing your investment strategy.

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