Wisdom on Wealth Columns

How the Economy is Like Junior High

The last time the stock market had such a terrible January-through-June performance, I was in junior high. The year was 1970. For me, that was a time of pimples, polyester clothes, bad hair, trying to impress girls, and Mrs. Lawrence’s English class. All not-so-fun experiences—a lot like investing is for most people right now. For […]

Our Most Overlooked Freedom?

Each July 4 we Americans throw a national party. We celebrate our unparalleled freedoms which are the envy of the world. Our more “famous” liberties—freedom of religion, freedom of speech, freedom of the press, etc.—are spelled out in the Constitution’s Bill of Rights. But perhaps the hidden genius of that document is that it laid […]

When Everything Seems Bleak

In early October, 1871, a fire turned Chicago’s business district into a smoldering ash heap. Today, visitors to the Windy City marvel at a skyline of beautiful architecture. In late December, 2005, quarterback Drew Brees of the San Diego Chargers suffered a severe injury to his throwing shoulder. Many experts believed his NFL career was […]

What Pain Can Do for Us

I had hip surgery last week. Man, did that ever hurt! Beforehand, I researched the procedure, the surgeon, the health facility, and the outcomes of others who’d had the same surgery.  What I didn’t focus on is the grueling rehab patients have to do after surgery. I didn’t think to ask, “How much pain will I […]

Five Financial Potholes (and How to Fix Them)

After two years of masking up and shutting down, we stir-crazy Americans are traveling again!  Beaches are packed, Disney is bustling, and national parks and campgrounds are turning away visitors. Our renewed wanderlust means a reintroduction to a regular feature of road trips: potholes!  We’ve all had the unpleasant experience of driving along and hitting […]

What to Do When the Markets are in Turmoil

 “We’ve never seen anything like this,” my friend whispered in an ominous tone. “Like what?” I asked. “This economy,” he continued. “You know, inflation. Debt. The stock market.” “You’re worried about the stock market?” I asked. “Aren’t you?” he responded. “Do you remember when COVID-19 first appeared?” I asked. “In late February 2020, the stock […]

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