Wisdom on Wealth Columns

When Information Becomes “Too Much”

“What Hath God Wrought.” That was the first telegraphed message, sent on May 24, 1844. It traveled 50 whole miles—from the United States’ Capitol all the way to Baltimore.  Before Samuel Morse’s landmark invention, news and information moved at the speed of a horse, a train, or a ship. With the introduction of the telegraph, […]

The Four Forgotten Retirement Challenges

One year into retirement Al is…unhappy. His issue isn’t money. Al’s always been a diligent saver. At age 45, he hired a financial planner. They drafted a wise plan and stuck to it for the next twenty years. Fact is, when Al walked away from his career last year, he was in great financial shape. […]

Your “Wealth Culture” (& Why It Matters)

Did you know your family has a “wealth culture”? (By “culture,” I mean the collection of common beliefs, values, assumptions, customs, and behaviors that mark a group of people.)  Every group of people displays a certain culture. Cities do. So do schools and churches, civic organizations and sports teams.  Businesses also have distinct cultures. (I’m […]

Paying for Retirement – Now vs. Later

“You can pay me now, or you can pay me later.” That was the tagline from a famous Fram Oil Filter ad campaign back in the 1970’s. It featured a grizzled auto mechanic holding up an inexpensive oil filter, then pointing over his shoulder at a car engine in need of an expensive rebuild.  You […]

Get a Stronger Retirement Plan

Who knew we could glean financial insights from the World’s Strongest Man competition? If you saw it recently, you know the winner was a 28-year-old Scot named Tom Stoltman—all 6’8” and 384 pounds of him.  This year’s contest showed that if you ever have an 18-ton bus blocking your driveway, Tom’s your guy. Just give […]

Smart Plans vs. Plans That “Smart”

In the 1960s, going to the dentist meant a little white spittoon by the dental chair and a whole lot of pain.  Our dentist at the time—I’ll call him Dr. Hurt—thought only sissies needed anesthesia for a “little thing” like drilling and filling a cavity. Translation? Going to see Dr. Hurt was stressful! One day […]

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The 3 Financial Questions You Should Be Asking for 2021

There are countless financial questions you need to wrestle with. None, however, are more important than the three contained in this guide.



The Key to Discovering, Designing, and Deploying Your Real Life Financial Plan

This free 18-page digital guide will give you step-by-step instructions on how to develop a life-long personal financial plan to give you the freedom to achieve your goals.


Debt Freedom

You Can Be Debt Free!

What if we could show you how to get out of debt in nine years or less, including your mortgage?


Investing Basics

How to Build an Investment Strategy

Like every good plan, there is a process involved in developing your investment strategy.

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