Wisdom on Wealth Columns

A Wiser Plan for Spending in 2024

It’s the time of year that people approach me for help in shoring up their finances. One of the questions they inevitably ask is, “What kind of rewards card do you recommend?” I always tell them the best rewards card I’ve ever seen is the one with the name of a wise financial planner on […]

Three New Year’s Resolutions You Should Make

Something about the week between December 25 and January 1 makes us reflective.  It may have to do with the fact that we’re exhausted from too many Christmas festivities. We just want to pause and regroup. Or it could be a function of the fact that many of us have the luxury of time off […]

Four Surprising Ways to Pay For All That Holiday Shopping

Let me guess…you haven’t even gotten your credit card statement, but you already know it’s going to be ENORMOUS. And you’d like some ideas for finding some extra cash to pay the proverbial piper. I have some ideas. Try looking in your banking app, your desk drawer, at your pay stub, and even in your […]

The True Cost of That New House

You found a house!  It’s newer, nicer, bigger. It sits on a hill…at the end of a quiet street…in a great neighborhood. You haven’t gone so far as to measure for drapes. But you have imagined yourself relaxing on the back porch, enjoying a chilled beverage while watching a summer sunset. Given today’s interest rates, […]

A Better Way to Think About Funding Your Kids’ Education

Mark Gungor is a popular marriage conference speaker.  In one humorous presentation, he explains the different ways men and women think. Women, Gungor contends, think in a very global, integrated, complex way. Their thoughts and feelings constantly interact together. Men, on the other hand, are much simpler. According to Gungor, we males think in separate […]

Three Ways to Escape the Comparison Trap

Does this scenario ring a bell? You have an old friend from college, or maybe a sibling. They’re well off financially—and their luxurious lifestyle—house, cars, vacations, hobbies, etc.—screams it. Next to them, your income is meager, and your lifestyle is decidedly middle class. You try not to compare, but it’s tough not to notice all […]

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The 3 Financial Questions You Should Be Asking for 2021

There are countless financial questions you need to wrestle with. None, however, are more important than the three contained in this guide.



The Key to Discovering, Designing, and Deploying Your Real Life Financial Plan

This free 18-page digital guide will give you step-by-step instructions on how to develop a life-long personal financial plan to give you the freedom to achieve your goals.


Debt Freedom

You Can Be Debt Free!

What if we could show you how to get out of debt in nine years or less, including your mortgage?


Investing Basics

How to Build an Investment Strategy

Like every good plan, there is a process involved in developing your investment strategy.

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