June 2024

Should I Buy Term and Invest the Difference? (Part 2)

Last week, I began a discussion about the two most common kinds of life insurance: term insurance and whole life insurance—and which one makes the most sense for you. Specifically, we examined this commonly-asked question: “What if, instead of buying a more expensive whole life insurance policy, you opted for a less expensive term policy […]

Should I Buy Term and Invest the Difference? (Part 2) Read More »

Should I Buy Term and Invest the Difference? (Part 1)

In discussions of life insurance, you’ve probably heard someone say, “Buy term and invest the difference.” Some have suggested this popular mantra originated with financial guru Suze Orman or perhaps Andrew Tobias (in his 1978 book, The Only Investment Guide You’ll Ever Need). Others attribute the pithy sales pitch to insurance magnate A. L. Williams,

Should I Buy Term and Invest the Difference? (Part 1) Read More »

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