
How to Sleep Better in Retirement

As people near retirement, most ask some version of this question: “What financial risks should I watch out for in this next chapter of my life?” The answer is not that complicated: Many of the same risks you face now—plus a couple more. Here’s why that’s interesting: If you are about to voluntarily retire, you

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Why It’s Hard to Change Financial Habits

They were an easy-going couple who rarely squabbled—UNTIL he suggested they create (and live by) a budget. Each time he gently brought up the subject, she got defensive. He walked away muttering to himself. They remind me of a story I heard John Maxwell tell. A friend showed him a list of New Year’s resolutions:

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A Better Way to Think About Funding Your Kids’ Education

Mark Gungor is a popular marriage conference speaker.  In one humorous presentation, he explains the different ways men and women think. Women, Gungor contends, think in a very global, integrated, complex way. Their thoughts and feelings constantly interact together. Men, on the other hand, are much simpler. According to Gungor, we males think in separate

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Pessimistic, Optimistic, or Realistic?

Someone recently said to me, “Your columns and emails haven’t been very upbeat lately. You turning pessimistic on us?” Me, pessimistic? Never! The word “pessimism” comes from a Latin root meaning “worst.” Seeing things in the “worst” possible light doesn’t do anyone any good.  The mantra for pessimists is “Why even try? Nothing ever works

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When is It Too Late to Buy Long-Term Care Insurance?

Someone recently asked, “If I’m already retirement age, is it too late—and too pricey—to consider long-term care insurance?  What I thought was, “It depends. How lucky do you feel?” What I said was, “I recommend you plan like a pessimist so you can live like an optimist.”  Here’s why I answered that way: When we

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Can We Trust the Big Financial Institutions?

Visit a small town coffeeshop one morning this week. Listen in on the conversation. It won’t be long before someone starts grousing about financial institutions. “Can you believe we’re bailing out banks AGAIN? Why are we giving money to a bunch of billionaire bankers! You ask me…I’m ready to do away with ALL financial institutions!”

Can We Trust the Big Financial Institutions? Read More »

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