Words of Wisdom

Change: Short-Term Pain for Long-Term Gain

After another brutal tax season—digging up records for his CPA, trying to recall expenditures and hunt down old receipts, etc.—Bob vowed, “Never again!” He went online and purchased some money management software, thinking, “Next year, I want to be able to push a button and easily generate all kinds of accurate, detailed reports.” Last night, […]

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The Problem of Dying Without a Will

NFL quarterback Steve “Air” McNair was rich and famous.  About a year after retiring from football in 2008, the former Tennessee Titan star died of sudden onset acute lead poisoning (a polite way of saying “his girlfriend shot him”).  That’s when the world found out about McNair’s intestacy (a fancy way of saying “he died

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Keeping Your Emotions from Hurting You Financially

How much does confident optimism matter in the marketplace—for job hunters, salespeople, entrepreneurs, and investors?  That’s the subject we began exploring last week. We said that every person has a built-in emotional thermometer that measures how they’re feeling from one situation to the next.  Some “run” a higher emotional temperature. That is, they’re usually “up”

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Three Ways to Escape the Comparison Trap

Does this scenario ring a bell? You have an old friend from college, or maybe a sibling. They’re well off financially—and their luxurious lifestyle—house, cars, vacations, hobbies, etc.—screams it. Next to them, your income is meager, and your lifestyle is decidedly middle class. You try not to compare, but it’s tough not to notice all

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