Byron Moore

Why Performance Isn’t Always the Best Measure

Your mutual fund got clobbered in 2023. You’re wondering if your mutual fund manager is out of sync with the times. How long do you wait before you dump him/her? Therein lies the problem with looking solely at last year’s results—they are so…last year. To fix something that’s not working, you have to analyze not […]

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A Saner, Simpler Life for Harried Business Owners

Last week we met Ron and Sharon, the couple who started a little side hustle, watched it boom into a profitable business, and then lamented how this “blessing” of a company had completely overtaken their lives.  I described three stages many business owners go through. I argued that the essence of contented simplicity is saying

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Are You a Victim of Your Own Business Success?

Ron and Sharon started a little side hustle…that unexpectedly morphed into a booming business. Initially, all those happy customers—and that sizable bump in income—were thrilling. But in time, their growing enterprise became a 24/7 obsession. Says Sharon, “At first, it was fun telling people, ‘We’re business owners!’ Now it’s more like ‘Ugh! This business owns

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Is Marriage Good for Your Financial Health?

There’s an old maxim that “Two can live as cheaply as one.” Is that true? Or is it what people used to call “an old wives’ tale”? Consider… In 2006, in a State of Our Unions report from the Institute on Marriage at Rutgers University, Barbara Dafoe Whitehead declared, “Marriage is a wealth generating institution.” 

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Four Surprising Ways to Pay For All That Holiday Shopping

Let me guess…you haven’t even gotten your credit card statement, but you already know it’s going to be ENORMOUS. And you’d like some ideas for finding some extra cash to pay the proverbial piper. I have some ideas. Try looking in your banking app, your desk drawer, at your pay stub, and even in your

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A Better Way to Think About Funding Your Kids’ Education

Mark Gungor is a popular marriage conference speaker.  In one humorous presentation, he explains the different ways men and women think. Women, Gungor contends, think in a very global, integrated, complex way. Their thoughts and feelings constantly interact together. Men, on the other hand, are much simpler. According to Gungor, we males think in separate

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