Words of Wisdom

Life Planning for College Students

Occasionally I get invited to speak to college students about life, money, and success. In fact, I’m scheduled to do that tomorrow.  Here are the four reminders/suggestions I plan to share with them. Die well. Soon after you arrived on campus, you realized, “Not everybody thinks the way I do.” That’s actually a good thing. […]

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Your “Wealth Culture” (& Why It Matters)

Did you know your family has a “wealth culture”? (By “culture,” I mean the collection of common beliefs, values, assumptions, customs, and behaviors that mark a group of people.)  Every group of people displays a certain culture. Cities do. So do schools and churches, civic organizations and sports teams.  Businesses also have distinct cultures. (I’m

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What Story Are You Telling with Your Life?

If Hollywood made your life into a movie, would people want to watch it? Author Donald Miller got me thinking about stories, characters, and plots with his terrific new book Hero on a Mission. Drawing inspiration from great story tellers of the past, Miller argues that all great stories have four primary characters: the victim,

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On the Simple Act of Giving Thanks

Each Thanksgiving, I’m reminded of all the benefits that come from giving thanks.  In fact, Howard Hendricks used to recommend “Thanksgiving Therapy.” He suggested writing the phrase “I’m thankful for…” on a pad of paper, then listing all the specific reasons you’re grateful.  It’s a powerful exercise. Try it and you’ll discover—as I have—that Dr.

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Who is Really Rich – the Affluent or the Wealthy?

“We’re gonna be rich!” Don bellowed as he beat his fist against the steering wheel. He drove a white Lincoln Continental with burgundy leather interior. It was longer than most living rooms and at that moment was lumbering down I-55 from St. Louis to Jackson, MS. The windows were down and his heart was full. 

Who is Really Rich – the Affluent or the Wealthy? Read More »

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